Of Counsel | robertamontinaro@cmplaw.it

Roberta Montinaro
Full Professor in Private Law, she teaches Institutions of Private Law and Private Law of the Digital Economy at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Naples L’Orientale.
Since 2020 he has been the scientific coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module “DiCIT – Digital Citizenship in the European Union”.
Her main research interests include trust law, tort liability, consumer law and digital technology law.
She is a member of the Italian Association of Civil Lawyers and of the Union of Private Lawyers, of the Scientific Committee of the scientific journal, Nuovo Diritto Civile, and is referee for numerous scientific journals.
She has been a speaker and scientific coordinator at national and international seminars and conferences.
She is a member of the Board of Lecturers of the PhD in International Studies at the University of Naples L’Orientale and of the National PhD in Earth Observation – DNOT.
She is a member of the Research Centre in European Private Law (ReCEPL), established at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples, as well as a teaching staff member of the Jean Monnet Chair ProTech – European Protection Law of Individuals in Relation to New Technologies established at the same University. Since May 2021 she is a member of CeRICT SCRL Centro Regionale Information Communication Technology, Naples, and of the Italian Committee of the project “Automated Cars Aida Investigation”, of the International Association of Insurance Law (AIDA).
Author of scientific books and editor of collective publications, she has also published numerous articles and essays, in Italian and English.
She was admitted to practice in 2000 and specializes in contract law, consumer protection and civil liability. Currently she works as of counsel at CMP Law.